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Mobility Scooters

Mobility scooters provide a valuable solution for individuals with mobility limitations, offering a convenient and user-friendly means to navigate daily life. These scooters empower users to regain their independence and improve their quality of life by allowing for increased freedom of movement and enhanced access to various activities. With numerous brands, models, and features on the market, it is crucial to understand the available options to make an informed choice, tailored to individual needs.

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In addition to improving the user's access to daily activities, mobility scooters have the benefit of being customizable for specific needs and preferences. This includes selecting between various types, such as three-wheel and four-wheel scooters, lightweight and heavy-duty models, or even folding options for easy transportation. Understanding key criteria for choosing a mobility scooter is essential to ensure it meets the user's specific requirements and delivers the desired benefits effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Mobility scooters enhance quality of life and independence for individuals with mobility limitations
  • A variety of types and features are available to cater to specific needs and preferences
  • Understanding the criteria for choosing a mobility scooter is crucial for making an informed decision

Mobility scooters are available at a range of online retailers such as Mobility Nest, which offers a variety of models and features to meet individual needs.

Understanding Mobility Scooters

Mobility scooters are electric-powered devices designed to help individuals with limited mobility regain their independence and freedom to move around. These scooters are available in various sizes, offering different levels of comfort, stability, and ease of use.

One of the primary considerations when choosing a mobility scooter is its weight capacity. Most mobility scooters can support between 250 to 400 pounds, but there are also heavy-duty models that can hold up to 570 pounds. It's crucial to select a scooter that can accommodate the user's weight to ensure its durability and performance.

Another essential factor to assess is the size of the mobility scooter. Smaller scooters are often more lightweight and portable, which makes them suitable for indoor use and easy transportation. Larger scooters, on the other hand, provide more stability and comfort for the user, making them ideal for longer trips and outdoor use.

Comfort is a vital aspect when using a mobility scooter for extended periods. High-quality mobility scooters feature adjustable, cushioned seats and backrests to provide maximum support. Some models also offer suspension systems for a smoother ride, even on uneven surfaces.

Stability is an essential feature in mobility scooters as it contributes to the user's safety. Four-wheel scooters are known to offer greater stability than three-wheel models, especially on uneven terrains. However, three-wheel scooters have a smaller turning radius, making them more maneuverable in tight spaces.

Finally, a lightweight scooter can be beneficial for users who need to transport their scooter frequently. Lightweight models are generally easier to disassemble and fit into a vehicle, while heavier models may require a vehicle lift for transportation. It's essential to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each scooter type based on the user's specific needs and preferences.

Types of Mobility Scooters

Folding Scooters

Folding mobility scooters, also known as travel scooters, are designed for easy transport. They often fit into the trunk of a car or as airplane cargo. These portable scooters are ideal for those who frequently travel and require a compact and lightweight mobility solution.

Heavy-Duty Scooters

Heavy-duty mobility scooters cater to individuals who need a robust and high-performance device to enhance their mobility and independence. They are designed to accommodate higher weight capacities, traverse rough terrain, and provide improved durability and power.

3-wheel Scooters

3-wheel mobility scooters are a popular choice due to their agility and versatility. They are particularly suitable for easy use indoors and offer better maneuverability than their 4-wheel counterparts. These scooters are available in both compact and larger models, with adjustable features, baskets, and lights.

4-wheel Scooters

4-wheel mobility scooters are designed for stability and performance. They are ideal for those with varying levels of mobility needs and can handle various terrains with ease. 4-wheel scooters might be larger and less maneuverable than 3-wheel scooters but provide enhanced stability, especially on uneven terrain or slopes.

All-Terrain Scooters

All-terrain mobility scooters are designed for individuals who wish to navigate through challenging outdoor environments. These scooters typically offer more powerful motors, reinforced frames, and inflated or rugged tires, making them suitable for traversing hills, sand, gravel, and other uneven surfaces.

Outdoor Scooters

Outdoor mobility scooters are intended primarily for external use, although they may also be suitable for limited indoor use. They often feature larger wheels, higher ground clearance, and more powerful motors to handle various outdoor terrains.

2 Person Scooters

2 person mobility scooters, also known as tandem scooters, are designed to accommodate two riders simultaneously. Ideal for couples or caregivers, these scooters have a longer frame and larger weight capacity to ensure a comfortable and secure ride for both passengers.

Criteria for Choosing a Mobility Scooter

Weight Capacity

An essential factor to consider when choosing a mobility scooter is its weight capacity. Scooters come with different weight capacities to suit various user needs. It's crucial to select a scooter with a weight capacity that can safely accommodate the user's weight. Additionally, keep in mind that carrying additional items, such as groceries or personal belongings, may also affect the scooter's overall weight capacity.

Ground Clearance

Ground clearance refers to the distance between the scooter's lowest part and the ground. Higher ground clearance is particularly useful for outdoor use, as it allows the scooter to navigate uneven terrain and obstacles more comfortably. For primarily indoor use, a lower ground clearance may suffice. However, it is essential to consider the user's typical environment and daily activities when determining the appropriate ground clearance for a mobility scooter.

Turning Radius

The turning radius refers to the amount of space a mobility scooter needs to make a complete 360-degree turn. Smaller turning radiuses are ideal for indoor use, as they enable the scooter to maneuver around tight spaces and corners. For those who require a scooter for outdoor use, a larger turning radius may be acceptable. Three-wheeled scooters generally have a smaller turning radius compared to four-wheeled scooters, making them suitable for indoor use.


Mobility scooters come in various speeds to cater to users' preferences and needs. Some scooters can travel at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour, while others are slower. Factors that can affect a scooter's speed include the model, battery life, and terrain. It's important to select a scooter with an appropriate speed for the user, remembering that faster scooters may be more suitable for outdoor use, and slower scooters can be safer for indoor use.

Battery Life

Battery life is a key factor when selecting a mobility scooter, as it determines how far the scooter can travel before needing a recharge. Basic mobility scooters have a battery life that typically ranges between 9 to 10 miles per charge. However, some models, like the Spitfire Scout, offer extended battery options that can provide up to 15 miles of travel with a single charge. Consider the user's daily needs, and the distances they usually travel when choosing the best battery life for their mobility scooter.

Additional Scooter Features

Mobility scooters come with various features to enhance the user's experience and provide a more comfortable, efficient ride. When considering a scooter, it's important to examine the additional features available to meet your specific needs.

Safety is a primary concern for mobility scooter users. That's why lights are a significant feature to consider. Many scooters come equipped with LED headlights, taillights, and turn signals, ensuring greater visibility for both the rider and pedestrians during day and night. This feature increases overall safety and confidence while navigating different environments.

A comfortable ride is essential, and suspension systems play a critical role in achieving this. Many mobility scooters feature suspension systems designed to absorb shocks and bumps, ensuring a smoother ride on uneven terrain. These systems can be adjustable, enabling users to customize their riding experience based on personal preferences and the type of surface they traverse.

The tiller is another essential feature on mobility scooters, allowing users to control the vehicle comfortably. A tiller, usually a handlebar or a delta-style variant, is adjustable in height and angle, ensuring users of all sizes can find their preferred steering position. Some models also include ergonomic designs and padded grips to reduce strain on the hands and wrists during long rides.

Lastly, the motorized scooter's performance is crucial to its overall functionality and efficiency. Motors with higher wattage offer more power and torque, which translates to better performance when climbing inclines and navigating rough terrain. Additionally, faster motors will enable users to cover greater distances more quickly. It's essential to consider your specific needs and choose a scooter with a motor that meets your requirements, whether that be for indoor use, outdoor adventures, or a mix of both.

When selecting a mobility scooter, these additional features can enhance your experience and ensure a more comfortable and efficient ride. Consider the importance of lights, suspension, tiller, and motor performance to find the perfect scooter for your lifestyle.

Mobility Scooter Brands

When it comes to mobility scooters, there are several reputable brands to consider. These companies have earned a place in the market due to their commitment to producing high-quality, reliable scooters that are designed to help individuals enhance their mobility and maintain their independence. Some of the top brands to consider are Afikim, ComfyGO, Metro Mobility, FreeRider USA, EV Rider, and Merits Health.

Afikim is an established brand known for producing electric mobility scooters with advanced features and user-friendly designs. Their scooters are built to last, offering durable construction and robust motors for smooth, consistent performance. The company's products are known for their safety and reliability, and they continue to innovate with new designs and technology.

ComfyGO is a brand that focuses on comfort and ease of use for their customers. Their mobility scooters are designed to provide a smooth ride with adjustable seating and easy-to-use controls, ensuring that users can navigate their environment confidently and comfortably. ComfyGO manufactures scooters with a variety of unique features such as folding capabilities and lightweight design, making them a popular choice for those who need to transport their scooter frequently.

Metro Mobility is a brand that produces mobility scooters with a focus on style and performance. They offer a range of sleek designs that are not only functional but also visually appealing. Metro Mobility's scooters are known for their quality and durability, as well as their impressive speed capabilities, which allows users to travel longer distances with ease.

FreeRider USA has earned its reputation for producing reliable, high-performance scooters for the mobility market. Their products offer a range of innovative features such as extended battery life and off-road capabilities, making them suitable for a variety of terrains and users. FreeRider USA scooters are also built with user comfort in mind, offering adjustable seating and ergonomically designed controls.

EV Rider is another trusted brand in the mobility scooter world, with a focus on delivering innovative solutions for people with mobility issues. Their products include both lightweight and heavy-duty scooters, ensuring they can cater to a wide range of user needs and preferences. With an emphasis on safety, durability, and performance, EV Rider scooters are a popular choice for many.

Merits Health is a brand with a mission to enhance the quality of life through their mobility products. Their scooters are designed with user safety and convenience in mind, featuring durable construction, comfortable seating, and easy-to-use controls. Merits Health also offers a variety of scooters to suit different needs and budgets, making them an accessible option for many individuals seeking enhanced mobility.

These brands have proven themselves as leaders in the mobility scooter industry, offering reliable and high-quality products designed to restore independence and enhance the lives of those who rely on them. When shopping for a mobility scooter, it's essential to consider your needs, preferences, and budget - and with so many reputable brands available, there's likely an option suited to your individual requirements.

Using Mobility Scooters

Mobility scooters are an essential tool for those with limited mobility, enabling them to regain independence and freedom. To ensure safe and efficient use, it is important to familiarize oneself with the scooter's controls and operation.

Maneuverability is a crucial aspect of using a mobility scooter. When operating the scooter for the first time, practice turning and navigating around obstacles in a safe, open space. Gradually increase your proficiency in maneuvering through narrow spaces, turns, and inclines. Take care while navigating pavements as the maximum speed should not exceed 4 mph to avoid accidents.

Battery charge plays a significant role in the performance of mobility scooters. Before each use, check the battery charge to ensure it is fully charged. To maximize battery life and avoid getting stranded, plan trips according to the scooter's range on a single charge. Most mobility scooters provide a range of distances they can cover on a single charge, and this information can be found in the scooter's manual.

Experience also matters when using a mobility scooter. As you gain more experience, your handling of the scooter will improve. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek advice from fellow scooter users or the scooter manufacturer. With time and practice, the scooter will become an invaluable tool for your daily life, providing increased mobility and independence.

In summary, learn how to navigate your mobility scooter effectively, maintain your battery charge, and gain experience in handling its various features. By following these guidelines, you can confidently and safely enjoy your newfound mobility.

Mobility Scooters for Specific Needs

Mobility scooters are essential tools that help individuals with limited mobility, such as the elderly and those with disabilities, regain independence and freedom in their daily lives. A wide variety of scooters cater to specific needs and preferences.

For individuals requiring sturdy, everyday use, scooters like the Drive Medical Cobra GT4 are excellent options. With a weight capacity of up to 400 pounds, the Cobra GT4 is designed for durability and comfort, featuring adjustable seat and armrests, as well as a customizable steering column for optimal driving positions.

Seniors seeking a simple, compact model can consider the Pride Mobility Revo 2.0 3-Wheel Scooter. With pricing starting at $1,874, this scooter offers good value and variety, ensuring users obtain the right fit for their unique needs.

Bariatric mobility scooters, specifically designed for those with higher weight capacities, offer heavy-duty support and can accommodate up to 600 pounds. These recreational scooters may reach speeds of up to 15 mph and boast impressive battery ranges of up to 40 miles per charge, providing enhanced convenience and accessibility for users.

In conclusion, there are numerous mobility scooters available to fit a wide range of specific needs. Careful consideration of an individual's requirements and preferences is crucial in selecting the ideal scooter for optimal mobility, freedom, and overall quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should I consider when purchasing a mobility scooter?

It's important to consider several aspects when choosing the right mobility scooter. These include whether you prefer a 3-wheel or a 4-wheel scooter, the intended use of the scooter, desired speed, and how far you want to travel with your mobility scooter.

How do I choose between a 3-wheel and a 4-wheel scooter?

The choice between a 3-wheel and a 4-wheel mobility scooter depends on personal preferences and requirements. A 3-wheel scooter offers more maneuverability, while a 4-wheel scooter provides better stability. Consider the environment in which you'll be using the scooter, the turning radius, and stability requirements when making your decision.

Is there a weight capacity for mobility scooters?

Yes, mobility scooters have a weight capacity, which is the maximum weight they can safely support. The weight capacity varies for different models, so it is essential to check the specifications before purchasing a mobility scooter to ensure it can accommodate your weight.

What is the average battery life of mobility scooters?

The battery life of mobility scooters depends on the frequency of use and the type of battery. Generally, a mobility scooter battery lasts for 1 to 2 years. If you use your scooter daily, it's best to charge its batteries as soon as you finish using it for the day.

What does Ah mean on a mobility scooter battery?

Ah stands for Ampere-hours and represents the battery's capacity. It indicates the amount of current a battery can deliver for a specific duration. A higher Ah rating means a longer-lasting battery. Mobility scooters will have varying Ah ratings on their battery; make sure to check this when purchasing a scooter.

How many types of mobility scooters are there?

There are three main types of mobility scooters: travel/portable, mid-size, and full-size scooters. Travel or portable scooters are lightweight, compact, and easy to disassemble for transport. Mid-size scooters are suitable for light outdoor use and can provide extended travel ranges. Full-size scooters offer greater stability, higher weight capacities, and are ideal for more rugged outdoor use. Choose the type that best suits your needs and lifestyle.


What is a Mobility Scooter?

A mobility scooter, sometimes called a handicap scooter, disability scooter, or medical scooter, serves as a support device akin to a wheelchair. It resembles a motor scooter but operates on an electric drive system, powered by either a single battery or multiple rechargeable batteries, depending on the specific model. These scooters offer significant enhancements to the daily lives of individuals who need assistance with short trips or face difficulties walking longer distances, providing various other benefits as well.

An electric mobility scooter is an excellent option for individuals capable of walking short distances and maintaining an upright position without any torso support, as well as those who can control a steering wheel or tiller. People managing conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, COPD, and other related disabilities have found these scooters to be incredibly beneficial.

Typically, electric mobility scooters are equipped with a seat positioned above two rear wheels, along with a platform or footpegs, and they are available in both 3-wheel and 4-wheel configurations. The range, speed, size, weight capacity, drive, and additional features differ between models, with various options and accessories tailored to meet specific individual requirements. Determining the intended usage, frequency of use, storage arrangements, and transportation needs is crucial in selecting the most suitable scooter model and type.

How can I find the right mobility scooter for me?

There is a variety of mobility scooters available, catering to different needs. This diversity can make selecting the right one challenging. However, this guide aims to assist you in choosing the most suitable disability scooter. Before delving into the various scooter types, we'll discuss essential factors to consider during the selection process.

What do you plan to do with your scooter?

The primary consideration is likely the most straightforward yet crucial: "Where will you primarily use your mobility scooter?" Are you preparing for an upcoming journey and require a portable mobility scooter? Opt for a lightweight and easily transportable option. Planning to use the scooter throughout the day? Look for one with an extended battery life. Will it be used indoors, outdoors, or both? Ponder over these potential scenarios. Reflect on the intended use of your mobility scooter: for daily tasks like grocery shopping or for outdoor adventures. Once you define its purpose, this guide will aid in narrowing down your choices and selecting the ideal mobility scooter for your needs.

Which is better, 3 wheels or 4 wheels?

What's the distinction between 3-wheel and 4-wheel mobility scooters? Generally, 3-wheel scooters offer better maneuverability and are ideal for navigating tight spaces, while 4-wheel scooters prioritize stability and are recommended for those using walking aids. While the 3-wheel scooters are better suited for indoor use, 4-wheel scooters excel outdoors due to their enhanced stability. To choose the right one, consider your specific needs and priorities. Opt for a 4-wheel scooter if balance is a concern or if you plan to spend significant time outdoors, whereas a 3-wheel scooter is preferable for maneuvering indoors. Remember, the number of wheels is just one aspect to contemplate; both types come in various sizes and serve diverse purposes.

Important Technical Considerations

  • Weight Capacity: This specifies the maximum weight the mobility scooter can safely accommodate under regular conditions, usually presented in pounds.
  • Speed: Typically measured in miles per hour, the top speed of a mobility scooter can be influenced by factors such as terrain, incline, passenger weight, and battery levels.
  • Travel Range: Refers to the maximum distance the mobility scooter can travel on a fully charged battery. Similar to speed, the travel range can be affected by terrain, incline, passenger weight, and battery levels.
  • Turning Radius: The space required for the scooter to execute a full turn and face the opposite direction.
  • Dimensions: This denotes the physical size of the mobility scooter, including length, width, and height. Manufacturers might also include additional measurements like ground clearance, seat dimensions, tiller height, wheel size, and other specific details.
  • Weight: The total weight of the mobility scooter, typically displayed in pounds or kilograms. For scooters that disassemble, manufacturers may provide the weight of the heaviest part when disassembled.

What types of mobility scooters are there?

Having acquired some knowledge about mobility scooters, their purposes, and certain technical details to consider, let's explore the various categories of mobility scooters. These can be categorized into the following groups:

  • Folding Mobility Scooters
  • Travel Mobility Scooters
  • Full-Size Mobility Scooters
  • Heavy-Duty Mobility Scooters
  • Recreational Electric Scooters

Both 3-wheel and 4-wheel models are available for each type of scooter.

Folding Mobility Scooters

Ideal for individuals who can manage short distances but face challenges with long walks, folding mobility scooters can be easily transported and stored due to their folding capability. They come in both manual and automatic folding designs, with manual ones requiring minimal effort for quick folding and unfolding, and automatic ones operated via remote control. Some models can even disassemble to save additional space during travel. These scooters are known for their lightweight design, making them suitable for air travel and capable of fitting into overhead compartments on airplanes. Apart from their convenience, folding travel scooters offer excellent maneuverability with tighter turning radius compared to full-size scooters. Their compact size allows them to fit in most vehicle trunks or backseats, making them perfect for various travel purposes, including cruises, vacations, museum visits, or quick trips to the supermarket.

Features of Folding Mobility Scooters:

• Easy folding mechanism for convenient storage and transport
• Ideal for travel and vacation purposes
• Easily fit into the trunks of most cars, SUVs, and vans
• Lightweight structure, typically weighing around 50 lbs or less when fully assembled
• Simple to operate, offering hassle-free maneuverability
• Affordable option compared to mid-size and full-size scooters
• Often permitted for air travel, although it's advisable to check before purchase
• Suitable for both vacation and local use
• No requirement for a vehicle lift

Shop Mobility Nest's wide selection of Folding Mobility Scooters here.

Travel Mobility Scooters

Travel electric scooters are an excellent choice for individuals seeking a convenient mobility aid for frequent travel, whether for local outings or vacation purposes. Designed to be lightweight and easily maneuverable, these scooters enable users to maintain their active lifestyle even when facing challenges with extended walking. Travel scooters can be disassembled into smaller, lighter pieces that can fit into the trunks of medium-sized cars, SUVs, and vans. Typically, the seat and battery pack are the first components to be removed, followed by the separation of the front, rear, and additional sections. Manufacturers usually specify the weight distribution of the disassembled parts, emphasizing the heaviest section, often containing the motor. It's essential to consider these weight specifications when selecting a travel mobility scooter to ensure safe and manageable transportation.

Features of travel mobility scooters include:

  • Ideal for local outings or vacations
  • Disassemble into smaller, portable pieces for convenient transport
  • Easily fit into the trunks of most medium-size cars, SUVs, and vans
  • Enable travel opportunities otherwise limited
  • More affordable than mid-size and full-size scooters
  • Equipped with a universal accessory hitch for scooter add-ons
  • User-friendly and simple to operate
  • Do not require a vehicle lift

Full Size Mobility Scooters

Designed for continuous use, full-size scooters provide added comfort, long-lasting batteries, and increased speed. Suitable for individuals requiring regular assistance, these scooters are ideal for daily use. Full-size electric mobility scooters are particularly well-suited for activities such as extended outings at theme parks, boasting superior safety features and comfort. They come in both 3-wheel and 4-wheel options, with 3-wheel models offering a tighter turning radius compared to their 4-wheel counterparts. While the 4-wheel versions prioritize stability, both variations can achieve higher speeds and cover longer distances compared to smaller scooter types.

Full-Size Scooter Features:

• Intended for regular, everyday use

• Equipped with advanced features for enhanced comfort and performance

• Provide superior comfort compared to smaller scooter models

• Boast extended driving ranges and higher weight capacities than travel mobility scooters

• Suitable for local travel

• Come with a universal accessory hitch for additional scooter accessories

• Might require a mobility vehicle lift

• Can accommodate various accessories

Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters

Heavy-duty mobility scooters, also known as "high weight capacity" mobility scooters, offer an abundance of features, including increased speed, advanced amenities, heightened comfort, and enhanced performance capabilities. These scooters are equipped with higher weight capacities, extended driving ranges, and faster maximum speeds, making them particularly suitable for frequent outdoor use. Ideal for full-time use, they are designed to withstand various terrains and ensure a smooth and reliable ride. These sturdy scooters are furnished with robust tires and durable suspensions, enabling them to navigate through different environments with ease. Many models of heavy-duty mobility scooters provide comfortable seating options, such as deluxe captain's seats or reclining seatbacks, ensuring a pleasant and accommodating experience for the user.

Features of Heavy-Duty Mobility Scooters:

• Suitable for primary transportation due to their extensive driving range
• Equipped with advanced features for enhanced comfort, safety, and performance
• Universal accessory hitch for convenient attachment of scooter accessories
• Ample leg and footroom for added comfort
• Ideally designed for outdoor usage
• Higher ground clearance for maneuvering through different terrains
• Standard illuminating lighting packages for improved visibility
• Longer driving ranges and higher weight capacities compared to travel and mid-size mobility scooters
• Often equipped with full suspension for a smoother riding experience
• Requires a compatible vehicle lift for transportation

Recreational Electric Scooters

Recreational electric scooters are designed for sheer enjoyment, offering higher top speeds and extended driving ranges compared to other mobility scooters. Ideal for individuals seeking a more pleasurable way to handle errands, walk their pets, or explore the town, these scooters are intended solely for outdoor use. If you require a stylish and efficient vehicle for longer journeys, a recreational scooter is the perfect fit. Recreational electric scooters come in various forms and serve different purposes, ranging from off-road adventures to leisurely rides. They boast a range of safety features, including electromagnetic brakes for rapid stops, powerful headlights for nighttime visibility, and safety belts for added security. The visually appealing designs of recreational scooters distinguish them from other mobility options.

Recreational scooter features include:

  • Primarily designed for outdoor use
  • Equipped with a robust motor transaxle
  • Offer longer driving ranges and higher top speeds
  • Provide an enjoyable and user-friendly driving experience
  • Showcase distinctive and trendy designs
  • May require a compatible vehicle lift for transportation

Moving Your Mobility Scooter

While folding and travel scooters are designed to fit into most vehicle trunks or backseats, transporting full-size mobility scooters requires the use of a vehicle lift. The common choice is a powered outside lift that connects to the rear hitch of your vehicle. Once installed, using the vehicle lift is simple. You guide your mobility scooter onto the lift platform, secure it, and use the switch to raise the platform. Lowering the scooter lift follows the same procedure. When not in use, the scooter carrier folds against the rear of the vehicle. Some vehicle lifts come with a swing-away option, allowing access to the vehicle trunk while the lift remains attached. Typically, the vehicle's battery powers the scooter lift via a wire harness, although certain models offer a rechargeable battery option.

Make sure to confirm the compatibility of the mobility vehicle lift with your specific vehicle or the one you plan to use for transporting your mobility scooter. One crucial factor to consider when selecting your vehicle lift is the hitch class of your vehicle. The two main hitch classes, class 2 and class 3, indicate the size and weight the hitch can handle. Class 2 hitches come with a 1.25-inch by 1.25-inch opening and can support weights of up to 300 lbs. On the other hand, class 3 hitches have a 2-inch by 2-inch opening and can bear weights of up to 500 lbs. These classes are typically present in mid-size cars, trucks, mini-vans, and SUVs. Remember that the weight capacity of the hitch pertains to the total weight of both the mobility scooter and the scooter lift.

Frequently Asked Mobility Scooter Questions

Why should I buy a mobility scooter from Mobility Nest?

Through collaborations with top disability scooter manufacturers, we offer our customers access to the most superior mobility scooters in the market. With an extensive array of electric mobility scooters, we are equipped to cater to the specific requirements of each and every customer.

How do I buy a mobility scooter from Mobility Nest?

You have two ways to acquire a mobility scooter from us. The first option is to make your purchase directly through our website. Alternatively, you can contact us via phone, and we will gladly assist you with placing your order and addressing any queries you may have about mobility scooters.

What if there is an issue or I have a question when I get my mobility scooter?

Feel free to inquire about any concerns you may have about your mobility scooter. You can contact us via our toll-free customer service number 1-888-958-3674 or send us an email at Additionally, you can complete our online contact form, and we will get back to you within 24 hours. We are here to assist you in any way we can.

Is financing available for mobility scooters?

Yes, we provide financing for all our mobility scooters, with various financing choices accessible. View our financing options here.

What is the cost of shipping a mobility scooter?

All our mobility scooters come with free shipping. For most items, we also provide white-glove delivery at an extra charge. Please email us with your address and the product name to check for availability.

Can I return my mobility scooter?

If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, you can generally return most mobility scooters within 30 days of delivery. You will receive a refund for the full purchase amount, minus shipping, handling, and restocking fees. Please note that each brand and product has its own set of fees and policies.