Metro Mobility M1 Lite 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

Travel-Friendly and Compact

This Metro Mobility M1 LITE is made up of four pieces, the heaviest of which weighs 55 pounds (scooter base). It's simple to disassemble and folds up to (44L x 20W x 17H), making it portable and fitted in a car trunk. 

  • Free Front Basket
  • Durable Solid Tires
  • Adjustable Seat
  • Intelligent Electromagnetic Brake
  • Tool-free Installation and Disassembly

In comparison to a larger size scooter, a smaller portable mobility scooter can be disassembled and stored in a smaller space, which is convenient for tidiness in the home, or for those with limited storage space and for travel.

Simple to Use

The simple control panel can be easily operated with just the fingertips or thumbs. Rest your wrists on the bar and drive the scooter with your fingers, whether you use your right or left hand!

On the panel, there is a variable speed dial, a horn button, and a battery indicator for accuracy. With anti-tip wheels and an intelligent electromagnetic brake, the scooter is simple to use even for beginners.

Make Daily Tasks Easier

Mobility scooters can help you get around without the assistance of a third party. You are free to go wherever you want. For example, you could go shopping, meet up with friends, or even attend an appointment.